Monday, January 19, 2015

Let kids read what they want to read

I am a huge fan of Donalyn Miller and The Book Whisperer. I recommend it to all homeschooling families, classroom teachers and anyone who has ever wondered how to raise a reader. If they listen and they like it, I beg them to follow up with Reading in the Wild to add in some extra tools for homeschoolers and teachers.

The more teachers try to strong arm kids into reading the prescribed reading list, the more they avoid it. In an age where you can google a summary in under one minute, it's becoming increasingly more difficult for teachers to even know if their students read the assigned reading. It's time to ask what was the point of the assigned reading in the first place and find a different way. Is the goal to read that specific book? That genre? Learn more about that time, place or character? All of these can be accomplished by student-centered, student-led choice. Donalyn Miller is a genius at gently guiding kids into choosing books that are at just the right time, place and level. It takes a significant amount of work to maintain a classroom library of her size, but it is worth it every step of the way. Students who learn to love books become lifelong readers.

If we know nothing else about reading, we know that force-feeding classics into a kid's brain does not make him appreciate it. It doesn't encourage them to try another by the same author or to branch out into a different genre set in the same time period. It feels like torture. If you don't believe me, then promise to sit down and read thirty minutes of Anna Karenina before you even touch Facebook tomorrow morning. You might love it, but chances (and reading research) says you'll resent the time stolen from your morning and you'll hate every minute of it.

So let the kids read! If you really want them to love it, read it to them no matter how old they are. Give them time to read on their own, with a book of their choice and you'll encourage better reading habits and develop students who read for pleasure, not just torturous "popcorn" reading in class.

If you really want kids to read particular books, read them aloud or choose them on audio book format instead. I find this works particularly well if you pause the audio book at a cliffhanging section and just leave the book laying around the house. If it's engaging and interesting, your child feel compelled to go figure out what's happened!

How does free reading work for us in our house? It's simple. He reads whatever he wants. There's always a book in the car, one on the couch and one next to his bed (though sometimes it's the same book he's carrying around from place to place.) I keep a reading log of what he's finished, with the date of completion. He loves to read and is a passionate reader, but he's not particularly interested in choosing his own books. I take advantage of Scholastic Book Wizard and the Amazon Best Sellers and New Releases lists about once a week to request a pile of books (or ebooks) from our library. I don't censor his reading choices- if he's interested he'll pick it up and if he's not, he'll give it back. He read Hunger Games as a 4th grader because he was extremely interested. He handed me back a book a few weeks ago that started with a kissing scene he didn't appreciate. He's learning to be discerning about what he reads and doesn't and I'm 100% okay with that.

Friends know he's a voracious reader and often ask me for recommendations. Here's the thirty nine books he's read since July 2014 (almost forty books in six months!) By my best estimate, he has read well over 11,000 pages. Sure, some are below his reading level but he loved them! Some, like the Warriors series, were popular among friends at the time and an easy read to keep up with the conversation. Others challenged his thinking, made him laugh, question, wonder and feel for characters. As long as he keeps going back to books, it's all good with me.

1)Warriors 7/26
3) Warriors- Midnight 8/7
4) Warriors- Moonrise 8/8
5) Warriors- Dawn 8/9
7) Fire Dragon Academy 8/12
9) The Dark Lord- School's Out 8/21
10) Warriors- Twilight 8/28
11) Warriors- Sunset 8/29
13) Restaurant at the End of the Universe 9/8
14) Warriors The Sight- 9/9
15) Warriors Dark River- 9/11
16)  Warriors- Outcast 9/13
17) Warriors- Eclipse 9/15
18) Warriors- Long Shadows 9/18
19)Exposure- (expired before finished)
21)Life the Universe and Everything
23) The Complete Minecraft Book Series 10/14
24) Warriors- Sunrise 10/17
25) Warriors- Omen of the Stars Fourth Apprentice 10/22
26)In Real Life 10/30
27)Warriors- Omen of the Stars Fading Echoes 10/27
28)Warriors- Night Whispers  - 11/3
29)Warriors- Sign of the Moon 11/5
30)Warriors The Forgotten Warrior 11/7
31)Warriors- Last Hope 11/9
34)Gone 11/28
39)The Naturals (In progress) -

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